The 2022 Budget Implementation Report of Avicenna – Batumi Medical University
The University 2022 Budget Implementation Report was approved by the General Meeting of Partners of Avicenna-Batumi Medical University, LLC on January 30, 2023. The foundational financial plan that supports the university’s successful operation and aligns with its strategic development goals is the budget of Avicenna-Batumi Medical University, LLC.
On July 21, 2022, Avicenna-Batumi Medical University, LLC was established. The primary investments, however, which included the planning, building, and furnishing of the main administrative and educational campus in addition to the acquisition of certain study materials and resources, were made by the founders between 2019 and 2022. The decision to found the university was made in 2019. The last-minute and urgent measures that had to be taken in order to improve the university’s curriculum and resources and, on the other hand, implement university management and get it ready for authorization, are included in the budget that has been in place since the university’s founding.The university’s founders provided all funding for the construction of the main educational administration building, which opened for business during the same time period.
In addition to paying university employees, the following expenses were budgeted for in 2022:
Other costs: representation costs associated with carrying out the University’s operations were funded.