Enrollment in the program without passing the unified national exams

On the confirmation of the English language proficiency of the applicant who wishes to enroll in the program of “Medical Doctor” (English) without passing the Unified National Exams

The applicant or entrant must fulfil one of the following requirements in order to be accepted into the One-Cycle Educational Programme of “Medical Doctor” of the School of Medicine of “Avicenna” – Batumi Medical University without having to complete the Unified National Exams:

  1. A foreign national must present an internationally recognised certificate (such as the IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge English, UNIcert®, EnglishScore, etc.) attesting to his or her proficiency in the English language at least at the B1 level;
  2. Foreign national applicants who have completed their study in English are required to submit the appropriate paperwork (diploma, certificate, etc.). Additionally, Georgian nationals who completed their last two years of a full general education programme abroad or who acquired an equivalent full general education in English elsewhere must produce the required documentation (diploma, certificate, etc.
  3. In order to confirm the knowledge of B1-level English proficiency at least, the citizen of a foreign country must pass the exam (comprising the components of listening, reading comprehension and text analysis and speaking) organized by the Centre of Foreign Languages of the University.


  • For the exam format as well as the exam test sample, please visit

    For the Admission Application Online Form, Please visit 

    For details write to us: +995 550 000 561

    Email address: info@abmu.edu.ge