With the exception of certain situations defined by law, the results of the unified national exams serve as the foundation for granting the status of Avicenna student. The Avicenna Rector’s Order governs the academic and administrative registration dates for those eligible to enrol in the relevant programme, the submission of paperwork needed for a student’s file, and the completion of a contract. The individual who is eligible to enrol in the applicable Avicenna programme must enter into a contract with Avicenna – Batumi Medical University within the registration deadline specified by the Rector’s Order; they must also go through the administrative and academic registration procedures (paying the tuition fee and selecting the program’s study courses through the Electronic System).
The Rector of the University issues an order to enrol the eligible person in the appropriate educational programme of Avicenna – Batumi Medical University, on the grounds of which s/he will obtain the status of a student of Avicenna – Batumi Medical University, following registration at the university, submission of the necessary paperwork, and signing the contract in accordance with the form approved by the Order of the Rector.